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Unit bearing removal

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Ok this is on a XJ but same thing. I have removed a few of these before not many though. I have never had one this RUSTY the heads of the bolts are just plain rounded I tried A smaller socket beat it on and then cracked it. What are my options? I was thinking get someone to burn the heads off or try to grind them off. I am doing this to get at the U Joints but As bad as these look they have to be original just turned 100,000 so I am thinking I need to replace the bearing also.

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i broke 2 -1/2" breaker bars with 3' cheaters trying to get mine driver side off. i sprayed them with kroil but didnt wait long enough, finally (an old indian trick i learned) took my little propane torch and heated the bearing up nice and warm, then rubbed a candle around the nut/threads. took my reg 1/2 ratched with same cheater and it spun right off. the heat/candle wax works just like heat/ flux soddering, and sucks right into the nasty rusty threads. can you still get a socket on the nut or is it too stripped? could you weld a new nut onto the old socket?


edit: re-read and yea the nuts stripped, id find a little larger dia. nut, clean the rust off the old one, weld the new nut against it. when its hot spray some kroil or whatever penatrating oil you use onto it, or wax, the heat will shock it and it should come right off

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As far as bolts I have not got back to this yet so I did not even check the hardware store yet. I called the dealer since I kinda wanted factory bolts there over $8.00 each anyone have some rust free decent shape ones they want to sell?

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