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logging in


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The new way of having to log in is terrible. If you hit the wrong letter once it makes you type one of them capture things which are almost unreadable. Is it possible to make it so you can read the capture thing



it's the same as it's ever been for me...

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The new way of having to log in is terrible. If you hit the wrong letter once it makes you type one of them capture things which are almost unreadable. Is it possible to make it so you can read the capture thing


If we make it any easier, Pete and I will have 200 spam user requests per day, instead of 100.


Rob L.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Does making the writing (text) of the capcha very hard to read make a difference? I never really understood them.



in theory, yes. it should make it harder for a spam computer to read it. but it's not impossible and our new forum software should bring us better capcha stuff (like asking 2+2).

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