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'94 Cherokee Guru's

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Today I picked up a 1994 Grand Cherokee Laredo. Unfortunately my Jeep knowledge pretty well ends at 1989. Know nothing about the '90's. Has the I6 with auto, 4wd, rust, dent free and apparently every option the factory had for that year. Killer stereo, every thing works, except for one minor detail. The hole in the oil pan where the bottom half of the connecting rod went thru it. $350. I originally got it to part it out but after seeing the body, no way. Gonna fix it. Questions. What year motors will interchange with this one? How do I turn off the 'security' light on the dash and the head and tail lights blinking? Anybody got a owners manual or a FSM for it? Corry, This should be down your alley. Jim :hmm:

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Any OBDI year engine (91-95) will interchange with no problems.


Normally to disarm and reset the security system, insert the key in the driver's door, turn left, then right, then remove. That's if the system is functioning. There's also another way, but you have to get into the wiring to disable it. Pretty easy though. :cheers:

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