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Where to find (purchase) wipers circuit breaker?

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Hey Guys, I'm still trying to figure out my wiper problem as previously posted. I had already checked the fuse box but didn't see anything labeled for the front wiper and it didn't dawn on me until today to look up a listed diagram on the Web. The possible culprit might be the 5.5 amp circuit breaker in the fuse box which is designated to the wipers. My fuse tester is too narrow for the breaker. Is there another way to test it to see if it is bad. And the PO apparently put in a 4.8 amp but since I've had the truck for 8 yrs, it worked until now.

If it is bad, does anyone know where to find these breakers? The closest thing to it that I can find is a 10 amp plastic fuse. I wouldn't think that would be able to perform the same as the breaker. I know JYs are the source for many hard to find parts but my work schedule prevents me from getting to one during business hours. Besides, for a few bucks, I would rather pay for a new one if they still exist.

I summon thee my Comanche Brothers! Hear my plea! :bowdown:

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Mine was in the bottom of the fuse box

I suppose I had that coming! :oops: I know where to find the breaker. I need to know where to purchase a replacement and if the exact one doesn't exist anymore, is there an appropriate replacement? :help: I've personally checked three auto supply stores and a half dozen online suppliers but have yet to find a replacement for this part. If anyone has connections in these types of gizmos, please give me some guidance.

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may not help you out but when mine went bad I went to the local pick n pull and snagged as many as I could find.

I've got some calls in to a couple auto electric suppliers and if nothing turns up I will visit the local yards to see what I can find. I'm dumbfounded that this seems to be such a rare occurance. These breakers must be very long-lived. Thanks for the input. :cheers:

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I can't locate it in their system, but I am almost positive that O'Reilly Automotive has it. I can't remember, but a long time ago I needed one and I think I got it there.


It not like it was only used in the late 80's. My 95 XJ has it for the front wiper. It may not be in their parts system tied to certain vehicles. Or you could go to the dealer parts window. :eek:

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Had to go to O'Reilly's anyway so I checked. They didn't have them in the HELP! section anymore, but have them look up Bussmann #UCB-6. It now comes with break-off legs for varying depths. Should be good to go. Didn't think to check on price, sorry. :nuts:

Thanks for the leg work. I will be sure to contact them as soon as I can. The price is probably nominal so that's not an issue. :cheers:

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