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So I had a little booboo think my 95 XJ wheeler :cry:.



Plan A

I was offered a 4.0 out of an 97 XJ for really cheap from a friend. I was wondering what is involved in getting it to work in the 95 XJ? Is it a direct swap sensors and drop it in set up.



Plan B

I have a 4.0 out of 94 that I was going to put into my 90 MJ. What I am thinking is I am going to put it in my 95 XJ and get the 97 4.0 and make it work with the 90 MJ. What is in evolved in getting a 97 4.0 to work in a 90 MJ



The help is very much aspirated.

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Just swap the block of which ever motor you want into any vehicle and retain all the sensors, intake, exhaust, and wire harness from the old motor.

All the sensors will work? Will I have to relocate or modify the sensor or the harness for any of them.

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You should be able to reuse all your old sensors, although you may have to use your origial distributor(if it's any good). The CMPS connector was changed at some point.


The cam in the 97 will be different than your current one(other than it being in one piece), but that's not an issue. My brother's 98 XJ has a 91 4.0 in it, and it runs great. Just had to swap the sensors and dizzy from the 98 motor onto the 91 motor.


Have you posted these pics before? I know I've seen'm.

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when it went I was under acceleration going up a small hill on the highway and it sounded like a rock had been knocked up under the XJ. and then I had no power and there was a black mist coming from the back of my rig.

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No I have not posted on this sight just CJA and NA4WDA local off road clubs.


I will be going from 97 4.0 down to a 95XJ and a 94 4.0 XJ down to a 90MJ. Same deal just swap the sensors over to the new engine. so the exsust and Intake

manifolds will work.


what is the CMPS connector.

"sensors and dizzy from the 98" what's the dizzy.

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CMPS is your camshaft position sensor, it's for injector control. You can't realistically swap the sensors without destroying them, so it's easier to swap distributors.


Dizzy = Distributor.


I KNOW I've seen those pics before, but I can't remember where from. Could have sworn it was here.

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And here I have been telling Waytec all day that I was sure that you couldn't take a 97+ engine without using all the interior gauges....I thought some were reverse polarity or something?

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One issue I can think of, however(and I'm not sure on years), is that the 97 motor may not have the tapped hole in the back of the head for the gauge temp sender.


I have a 97 head on my stroker. It has the tapped hole for for the gauge temp sensor. The casting number for the 96-99 heads is 0630. I've never seen a 0630 head w/o the tapped hole, although I've read reports that it's possible.

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