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anyone know how many Comanche Diesel 2.1 turbo's were made? the one I am looking at is an 86. needs a lot of woerk but I can get it cheep. the guy is saying that their was only 1000 made and sold in north america.... just wanted to see if that was close to being true

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  tazjeeper said:
anyone know how many Comanche Diesel 2.1 turbo's were made? the one I am looking at is an 86. needs a lot of woerk but I can get it cheep. the guy is saying that their was only 1000 made and sold in north america.... just wanted to see if that was close to being true


If its cheap I would grab it, just having a diesel titled MJ is pretty rare, and would be good for a conversion for someone.

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  Sir Sam said:
  tazjeeper said:
anyone know how many Comanche Diesel 2.1 turbo's were made? the one I am looking at is an 86. needs a lot of woerk but I can get it cheep. the guy is saying that their was only 1000 made and sold in north america.... just wanted to see if that was close to being true


If its cheap I would grab it, just having a diesel titled MJ is pretty rare, and would be good for a conversion for someone.



yeah thats what i was thinking. its a 4x4 aswell. the guy said he would take $800 for it but it needs alot of work. he put a new fuel pump but has not started the engien... and the guy he bought it from last fall has a xj diesel aswell. maybe i will buy them both

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  automan2164 said:
Pat (jeepcomj) would know. His dad has one, and by his account, there are about 25ish left in the states.


Rob L.


i say buy it also, but pat is the resident diesel mj expert. it appears they are difficult to maintain, and to find parts for. it is not going to be easy to get the work done that it will need, and it will not be easy to keep it on the road.

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there are 27 by my count in the states, currently.



but, like '92 eliminators, they are coming out of the woodwork now...so there may be more.



They were originally built as "export only"...but as with all AMC options, they could be snuck through the cracks, and so they were offered on a VERY limited basis in the states.





if he put a new fuel pump on it, DON'T start it. ask him WHY he put a new fuel pump on it. find out if the timing belt blew. then get a service manual and/or ask me for my number and I can go over how to look it over and set the timing properly with you.


if the timing belt blew, there are at least 3 bent valves and a few broken rockers. that seems to be the common count...they are an interference motor.


If you pass on it, I'd like to know where it is and how to get it...I have a brand new motor for my diesel, and would then have all the parts that that one would need.

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well great. I am talking to the guy about it. he put the pump on becasue the last owner said it needed one. he is a young guy that bought it becasue it was different and got it for $800 bucks thinking he could fix it.

their is an other one that I know of in Maine for sale for $2000. runs great but a few years back the guy was hit from behine.

I will see if I still have his # if you are interested in that one.

I can give you this guys # aswell if you like. where are you located as I am in New Brunswick Canada.

I think I am going to pass on it as I will not have time to do anything with it and it will jsut rot even more...

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  one_bad_MJ said:
until my fuel pump went and its 3600.00 http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayI ... &viewitem=


well I will tell you their is no way this guy that has the one For Sale here paid anywhere near $3600 for the pump for is t/d as he is selling the truck for $800 to git his money back. that is for the price he paid for the truck and the pump. maybe he did not put the right pump on it.

Jeepcomj are you interested in it? I can find out if the oled owner still has the xj diesel if you want. he had taht forsale aswell.

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here are pics of the truck. the seller just told me the pump came with it and was in the box. he matched it up before he put it on. he said the belt is good and he made sure it was lined up. he has not had time to work on it nad said he did not try to start it. he also does not even want to sell it as its rare and he love the look on the comacnhe aswell. But no time so it has to go.

he will sell it to me for $600.oo


he has an other header for the front and grill. and some other parts.

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That's like so rare, and if you can swing it and have the time to get it up and running, and a place to store it..........Yea, I would grab it up at that price.


Even if you need some of the hard to find expensive parts, you have some room to do it with......price wise.

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Jeepco.........you planning a trip up to the North country for that treasure chest?????


But, I got one question for you.........the pictures show a manual tranny........I always thought the diesel only had an auto tranny with that combo????


Did it come either way, or was the manual the main tranny for the 2.1 diesel????

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  Wildman said:
Jeepco.........you planning a trip up to the North country for that treasure chest?????


But, I got one question for you.........the pictures show a manual tranny........I always thought the diesel only had an auto tranny with that combo????


Did it come either way, or was the manual the main tranny for the 2.1 diesel????



it was primarily export only. they don't have too many automatics overseas. the auto was an american option.




I can't afford a trip out there to get it.

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from the pic's it does not seem to be in that bad of shape.. I am thinking hard one it but it is about 5hr drive to go pick it up and 5 hrs back. I am so bizzy this time of year its hard to find the time.

I just bought a 96 xj with 31's today qith 143k on it runs great. guy drove to my place for $400.oo. I have two 360 f/s cherokees comming in this week and a j10. a 94 yj I have to pick up.. I am buying so much just from around here that its hard to justify the time away from the shop right now.

I am going to have to sell off a bunch of parts in a sale and go pick up the mj. I had the chance to get it last year and did not I am ment to own this I think as its for sale again... I just hope that if I go and pick it up its not all f'ed up from this guy and he is lieing about not trying it... it realy worrys me...

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