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brown won


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i'm glad it's over, i was getting so sick of all the stupid campaign ads on tv and radio... "puppies, cows, tractors and babies will spontaneouly combust and the charles river will boil over if REPUBLICAN scott brown is elected...." :rotf: every 2 seconds it was another futtin campaign ad, way to much to bear.... i'd hardly call him a "man of the people" ( he is a lawyer, just like every other politician out there, and the district he represents - franklin, wrentham, millis, sherborn, plainville, norfolk, hopkinton, etc... is one of the more conservative pockets of the state, not much of a challenge for him to win there), but I'm glad he's won because a hamstrung, partisan congress that gets nothing done is much better for the country (and our wallets) than a congress that "accomplishes" "things" :rotf: ... i read that barney frank said a little while ago that "there should be no delay in seating him.." and jim webb (D-va) said that it would "be morally and ethically wrong to vote on the healthcare bill before he is seated".... it'll be interesting to see how many more abandon ship tomorrow and over the next couple days when they realize that siding with obama is political suicide..

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