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One Year Ago.........Yesterday, I almost forgot.

64 Cheyenne

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I found CC. Nearly everyday I find myself here at least once. I've learned a lot, shared some of what I've learned. My MJs definitely have become an addiction. My day is not complete until I identify at least one "Jeep" thing that I've done, sometimes I might be in the hardware store, I'll see something, think "what if I......" then buy something for the Jeep/s.Could be all day on the truck, then mission accomplished. Best of all is the love and the obsession that I've found in the building, preserving and maintaining these unique old trucks. But also can't forget about all the camaraderie and support that everybody has given. Thanks to all, best wishes for the coming new year.


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In (as part of the garageless laying in the snow under a Jeep club :nuts: ).


Sad part is I had a nice heated garage as part of my first apartment.


20-26 years old: renter with heated garage

26-41 years old: home owner, laying in the snow to fix my junk. :dunce:

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Here my wife thinks I'm the only one . I keep telling her that not only do we work in the cold and snow ,

but we like it too !! :nuts: I get all exited , put on the gloves and run out there like an idiot . :yes:

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