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"The 1989 Jeep Book" PDF Scan of Comanche Section


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I picked up the "The 1989 Jeep Book" on Fleabay the other day... It's basically the sales brochures for the entire 1989 Jeep Line in one catalog. I scanned the Comanche Sections to PDF and have posted them here.




I also picked up a 1986 and 1988 Comanche only Brochure, but this was the only one "small" enough to fit into my scanner and get the full pages. Since I have an '89 I was most interested in that anyhow. 8)


Hopefully you guys enjoy the scan...some great pics of stock rigs if nothing else :cheers: I don't know if someone has already scaned/posted this, but I hadn't seen it before.


P.S., the PDF is pretty big (~33MB) , sorry, it's the best I could do with the software I own (I only scanned @ 300 DPI, so if I re-did at higher, it might be a little better quality, but larger file size), but it looks OK for me just sticking the pages in my printer/scanner



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Thanks....great addition to the 89 we bought this summer.


Glad to help guys...makes me feel like I went back to late 1988 and am sitting in a Jeep Dealership thumbing thru the catalogs...Since I was only 14 at the time, it wouldn't have been for me but still...



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