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Man that was a waste of 5 minutes to view. I wish people would post it is a Glenn Beck episode so we could skip it. I have never heard that man say anything of value and I like listening to Liberal AND conservative talk shows. All he does is spin stuff. Well I guess it provides him a job.

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Man that was a waste of 5 minutes to view. I wish people would post it is a Glenn Beck episode so we could skip it. I have never heard that man say anything of value and I like listening to Liberal AND conservative talk shows. All he does is spin stuff. Well I guess it provides him a job.


umm, how do you spin that?

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Man that was a waste of 5 minutes to view. I wish people would post it is a Glenn Beck episode so we could skip it. I have never heard that man say anything of value and I like listening to Liberal AND conservative talk shows. All he does is spin stuff. Well I guess it provides him a job.


umm, how do you spin that?


:agree: the video was about the gov't having full access to your computer, not him spinning an opinion on something?? :nuts:

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Umm Beck is like Limbaugh. It is all spin to get ratings. The more outrageous and upset he is the better the ratings. Remember "GETTT OFFF MYYY PHONEEE!!!!" lol. That was at least funny. Hannity I can take even though it is similar infotainment. Oreilly is usually pretty good. Some spin but he tries very hard to limit it. On the Liberal side Thom Hartmann and Ed Shultz are good Like Oreilly there is still minimal spin/ I can't stand Randy Rhodes, Mike Malloy, Rachel Madow. They are almost identical to Beck/Limbaugh except for their political orientation.

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Man that was a waste of 5 minutes to view. I wish people would post it is a Glenn Beck episode so we could skip it. I have never heard that man say anything of value and I like listening to Liberal AND conservative talk shows. All he does is spin stuff. Well I guess it provides him a job.


umm, how do you spin that?


:agree: the video was about the gov't having full access to your computer, not him spinning an opinion on something?? :nuts:


It is a web site for dealers to register the trades. So some 40 yo virgin went nuts on the TOS agreement. Big deal. But it does give Beck something to spin and ramble on about.

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Who cares about him spinning an opinion? I wasn't aware that the Govt was able to do this,and I thought the clip was informative. I'm not surprised about the abilities of the Fed. Govt. Anybody who accesses that site would have to be :nuts:

Myself, I'm totally against this CARS Prog. Talk about a waste,ruining perfectly drivable vehicles. Granted there are some vehicles that should be recycled,but there are a lot of them that have years of life and use left in them. I think these vehicles should be "graded" and recycled (some do need to be destroyed) to needy organizations or people. I bet there are thousands of youth or church organizations out there who could use a pickup or SUV. Leave the donating to the carlot who sold the "new" car to chose who to donate the "recycled" vehicle to. If the Govt was to do this you know where that would go $$$$$$$$$$$$ wasted even further.

Anyways,that chick Kimberly, WAS SMOKIN HOT!

I think I'll watch it agin jamminz.gif

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Man that was a waste of 5 minutes to view. I wish people would post it is a Glenn Beck episode so we could skip it. I have never heard that man say anything of value and I like listening to Liberal AND conservative talk shows. All he does is spin stuff. Well I guess it provides him a job.


umm, how do you spin that?


:agree: the video was about the gov't having full access to your computer, not him spinning an opinion on something?? :nuts:


It is a web site for dealers to register the trades. So some 40 yo virgin went nuts on the TOS agreement. Big deal. But it does give Beck something to spin and ramble on about.


:doh: :wavey: :fool: HELLLOOO! McFlyyyyy!!! I don't think anyone disagrees that a lot of things these talk show guys rant on has some serious spin to get ratings, or at least that the more demonstrative any of those talk show guys are the better the ratings are. But this thread is about the GOV'T! claiming rights to any and all info on your computer if you log on to that site. As I understood it, it's not only a site for dealers to report trade-ins but a site that the public can access to get info about the program. So get off your soapbox about WHO is talking about it, it's the topic that we're talking about here. :shake:


Hey Cheyenne, glad you thought the same I did about that Kimberly chick...........SHAAA-MOKIN!

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so i have a question.....


by a dealer participating and taking advantage of this wonderful program to help their sales so graciously provided by our government.....said dealer relinquishes all rights to any privacy of all information to whom ever the government deems worthy of using said information for whatever reason the government deems worthy.....and said dealership has no interest or right to where or who that information is going, or for what purpose it is used.



a little too much like socialism or comunism to me. how far is the government gonna get involved in free enterprise, or our private business sector?

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It is a web site for dealers to register the trades. So some 40 yo virgin went nuts on the TOS agreement. Big deal. But it does give Beck something to spin and ramble on about.


:doh: :wavey: :fool: HELLLOOO! McFlyyyyy!!! I don't think anyone disagrees that a lot of things these talk show guys rant on has some serious spin to get ratings, or at least that the more demonstrative any of those talk show guys are the better the ratings are. But this thread is about the GOV'T! claiming rights to any and all info on your computer if you log on to that site. As I understood it, it's not only a site for dealers to report trade-ins but a site that the public can access to get info about the program. So get off your soapbox about WHO is talking about it, it's the topic that we're talking about here. :shake:


Hey Cheyenne, glad you thought the same I did about that Kimberly chick...........SHAAA-MOKIN!


The TOS agrement is just stupid. Glenn Beck's ranting and raving is just showboating to get the conservative crowd in a frenzy. (Looks like it is working though!) He is good at at what he does but when all is said and done it is just horse hockey. P.S. You might want to get off the soap box yourself.

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so i have a question.....


by a dealer participating and taking advantage of this wonderful program to help their sales so graciously provided by our government.....said dealer relinquishes all rights to any privacy of all information to whom ever the government deems worthy of using said information for whatever reason the government deems worthy.....and said dealership has no interest or right to where or who that information is going, or for what purpose it is used.



a little too much like socialism or comunism to me. how far is the government gonna get involved in free enterprise, or our private business sector?


Nope just a TOS gone crazy. The Computer Nerd had too much Mountain Dew. Nothing to gather the pitch forks for! :D

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so i have a question.....


by a dealer participating and taking advantage of this wonderful program to help their sales so graciously provided by our government.....said dealer relinquishes all rights to any privacy of all information to whom ever the government deems worthy of using said information for whatever reason the government deems worthy.....and said dealership has no interest or right to where or who that information is going, or for what purpose it is used.



a little too much like socialism or comunism to me. how far is the government gonna get involved in free enterprise, or our private business sector?


Nope just a TOS gone crazy. The Computer Nerd had too much Mountain Dew. Nothing to gather the pitch forks for! :D


you must be a government agent sent to calm things down :yes:

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It is a web site for dealers to register the trades. So some 40 yo virgin went nuts on the TOS agreement. Big deal. But it does give Beck something to spin and ramble on about.


:doh: :wavey: :fool: HELLLOOO! McFlyyyyy!!! I don't think anyone disagrees that a lot of things these talk show guys rant on has some serious spin to get ratings, or at least that the more demonstrative any of those talk show guys are the better the ratings are. But this thread is about the GOV'T! claiming rights to any and all info on your computer if you log on to that site. As I understood it, it's not only a site for dealers to report trade-ins but a site that the public can access to get info about the program. So get off your soapbox about WHO is talking about it, it's the topic that we're talking about here. :shake:


Hey Cheyenne, glad you thought the same I did about that Kimberly chick...........SHAAA-MOKIN!


The TOS agrement is just stupid. Glenn Beck's ranting and raving is just showboating to get the conservative crowd in a frenzy. (Looks like it is working though!) He is good at at what he does but when all is said and done it is just horse hockey. P.S. You might want to get off the soap box yourself.


It's my thread so it's my soapbox LOL. Seriously though, how can you blow off the TOS as "no big deal"? You haven't stated your opinion on the gov't being able to have full access and rights to the info on the computer of a dealership or individual that logs on to the site. You've just been "ranting and raving" about Glenn Beck's "ranting and raving".

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It's my thread so it's my soapbox LOL. Seriously though, how can you blow off the TOS as "no big deal"? You haven't stated your opinion on the gov't being able to have full access and rights to the info on the computer of a dealership or individual that logs on to the site. You've just been "ranting and raving" about Glenn Beck's "ranting and raving".


Just because something is in a TOS agreement doesn't mean it is binding. There are limitations on what is allowed. It might as well say "All your bases belong to us!" Sorry old nerd joke that most new nerds probably would not even get. ;)

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It's my thread so it's my soapbox LOL. Seriously though, how can you blow off the TOS as "no big deal"? You haven't stated your opinion on the gov't being able to have full access and rights to the info on the computer of a dealership or individual that logs on to the site. You've just been "ranting and raving" about Glenn Beck's "ranting and raving".


Just because something is in a TOS agreement doesn't mean it is binding. There are limitations on what is allowed.


Agreed. And who sets the limitations? The gov't. If it was a TOS with somebody in the private sector, I probably wouldn't care at all. I just posted the link because I don't like how in 8 mos time the federal gov't has become, IMO, so invasive in our day to day lives, i.e. so much more so than before. :dunno:

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Not really "government" but the Supreme Court. A huge difference. I haven't seen much in the last 8 months that concerns me but I did see tons in the previous 2 terms that is scary.


meh, well this is going too far down the political path, which was not my intent of posting the link.

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Some of you guys are taking things too seriously here. The government can't access anything worth worrying about on your computer just by visiting their site. They can only get as much information as any other website can (AKA, worthless browser data). They don't have some mega-spy virus that downloads all your private porno to their servers...

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Some of you guys are taking things too seriously here. The government can't access anything worth worrying about on your computer just by visiting their site. They can only get as much information as any other website can (AKA, worthless browser data). They don't have some mega-spy virus that downloads all your private porno to their servers...


call me a conspiracy theorist, but i think that might be a bit naive to think they can't. i'd be more surprised they couldn't than i would be that they could. i know Chloe from "24" could hack in to it! :yes:

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a little too much like socialism or comunism to me. how far is the government gonna get involved in free enterprise, or our private business sector?

We could tell you ... but then we'd have to kill you.





Being a staunch conspiracy theorist, here's another thought that has occurred to me (yes, a thought ... they are rare, but they do occur): I hope all you are aware that the ECUs in new cars function much the same as the "black boxes" in commercial aircraft. If you are involved in a serious accident, the police can query the vehicle's "black box" to find out how fast you were traveling, whether or not the brakes were applied, and a few other tidbits of potentially interesting data. And, of course, the government is pushing to have the next generation of vehicle ECUs store and report even more data.


Guess what? These so-called "clunkers" the .GOV is paying so lavishly to get rid of ENTIRELY are all old enough that their ECUs don't store and report that kind of data. That's just one reason why I intend to always keep an extra XJ and/or MJ around, as a replacement for if something happens to one I'm currently driving. Even if I have to keep putting Jasper engines in them, it's cheaper than buying a new car every few years at $30,000 a pop ... and I'll always have a bug-free vehicle to drive.


I don't think it's entirely accidental that this program will "just happen" to eliminate thousands of "dumb" cars from the road, to be replaced by new vehicles that can be used to tattle on the driver.

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