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Z Max and other additives???

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I think weve discussed this before but i can't find anything on it. Anyway has anyone experienced any major benefits from Additives like Z Max and Lucas ect. Using them in your oil and Fuel systems. It just something that crossed my mind so far the best thing ive started running in my truck is Ethanol Free Fuel :thumbsup:

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I am not familiar with Z-Max. Lucas is basically a viscosity index improver (same thing as the original STP). All it does is make your oil thicker. If that's what you want -- save your money and just buy a heavier grade of oil.


Since the demise of the old Pyroil oil and gasoline additive many years ago, IMHO the only additive worth considering is Marvel Mystery Oil. Whatever you do, stay away from anything that puts Teflon into your engine.

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I'll agree with the Mystery Oil, last oil change, I dumped a quart in the engine, and that tic-tic-tic lifter disappeared :eek: Where it went is a "mystery" :dunno:


Took the MJ on a 300 mile trip, and it ran great, 5 days later I was on a 650 road trip, and it ran even better :D and first time Ive pulled 22 mpg on it :yes:


The only problem with adding any thing to your engine, like something that will dissolve deposits, is if the engine has a lot of miles, and you haven't changed out any seal/gaskets, you will find the leaks.......real fast.

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I know you are asking about motor oil and fuel additives, but for what its worth...

-I once used this "awesome" Lucas Automatic Trans additive to help a tired tranny in an S-10 blazer and it made the tranny slip so bad, I had to push it across a flat parking lot to get it back into the garage to flush it out 4 times before the thing would go again.

-I rescently gave Lucas a second try with their PS additive in my F-250 because they guarantee it will fix any leak or your money back. It didn't even slow the leak, which isn't that bad to begin with, but I had hoped...and I probably won't go after them for my money back; its not worth the $15


I do, however, know many people who rave about that "Techron" fuel additive that Chevron makes, and that "engine restore" that comes in the little silver can. I have tried both, and the only proof I got was a boost of compression on a tired 4.0 with the engine restore...but I think I used the bigger 8 cyl can instead of the 6 cyl because the parts house was out. Just my experiences.



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the only additive i like is seafoam.it's good for cleaning carbon out of combustion chambers and pistons tops.i also like there transtune as i've fixed a few trannys with this stuff.lucas isn't worth it,loke others sais just a heavier oil and never lut that stuff in an a/t.would you trust something that said to put it an an a/t or a manual tranny?

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