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Help! Looking for cage and rollbar ideas...

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I need some help. I'm looking for ideas on putting roll cage inside the cab and spare tire carrier in the bed, short bed, at an angle like a baja truck. Also any information on maybe a tri-four link in the front. any advise or input would be great.



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Pete is me (although there are a couple more on the site these days) and Pete doesn't know much about 4 links or in-cab bars. :D


aaronsh2rcvry owns a truck that should help out with some ideas. The previous owner built it up, but I'm sure he can fill in some details.


Here is his project thread: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=14595



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His has the full cage, mine is merely a rollbar. More pics are here if you haven't seen them:

www.picturetrail.com/petermontie down near the bottom in the "Project MJ (Protection)" folder.

I designed it myself and paid a local guy to bend and weld it up. The box in the bed is situated to open and clear the bar. Getting into it is pretty easy when standing on the tire. I couldn't fit the box in any other way and still fully open the lid.


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Hey thanks for the link. Would you mind if I used your bed cage to start a design for mine? What about any ideas for an interior cage. I would like to have something like a main hoop, a-piller runners, windshild bar, and some x bracing. Have you seen or done anything like that. I want this to be over built. Also what size tube and what kind would be better?

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Go ahead any copy anything you'd like. That's why I took photos to share. :thumbsup:


I'm sure the other guys would be able to point you to some good cages, all I can say is 1.75" DOM is the minimum I would use (my rollbar is 2" DOM, but if I added more, it'd be 1.75) and diagonals are your friends. :D

The only thing I regret from the initial install is the lack of a diagonal behind the cab. I left it for phase 2, but phase 2 hasn't happened yet (and it's been a few years now).

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That a good looking cage, but in my situation I can't buy a cage I have to make one from scratch. I am a student at wyotech and for a project I'm going to build a cage and try the 4 link idea, on my 88 comanche. I like the idea of 1.75 DOM, the instructors tell me I can use 1 5/8 EW tube. But from what I have see and read on here I'm thinking that 1.75 DOM is the way to go. How many feet are in that cage that you have posted if you know?

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The two previous trucks would be good examples of bed cages w/tire carriers. I believe Fabtech and a couple others make angled tire carriers you can bolt down to the bed,also check out Tiregate.Most guys use 1.75" Dia. .120 wall DOM,which has been S.C.O.R.E. regulation for cages.Chromolly is stiffer and lighter,you could probably get by w/1.5" Dia. tube.Triangulation is your friend. The Jeepspeed forum and Dezertrangers.com are a couple of good resources as well. How do you like Wyotech?

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thank you for all the info. I think I will run 1.75 dom. sounds like the only way to go. thank you for all the advise. I still am looking for ideas on a cage. so If anyone out there has pictures or advise speak up. I will be sure and post pictures in the creation and the after math. Wyotech is not a bad school, I'm glad I came here and I do think if you want a good education , this is the place. but be prepared not to learn the advanced side of working on rigs, this school will teach you the basics. they have to think that everyone has not been around a tool in there life. to be hosest there a guys up here that don't know what an open wrench is. If you want a good eduaction and are smart not to come here and dick around this is a good school. but please don't come here as a jackass and destroy the name of wyotech.

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  triple4x4 said:
That a good looking cage, but in my situation I can't buy a cage I have to make one from scratch. I am a student at wyotech and for a project I'm going to build a cage and try the 4 link idea, on my 88 comanche. I like the idea of 1.75 DOM, the instructors tell me I can use 1 5/8 EW tube. But from what I have see and read on here I'm thinking that 1.75 DOM is the way to go. How many feet are in that cage that you have posted if you know?



Hey are you at the Laramie, Wy. Campus?

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  triple4x4 said:
If you want a good eduaction and are smart not to come here and dick around this is a good school. but please don't come here as a jackass and destroy the name of wyotech.


Absalutely. If I had the time and funds I would be there for one reason only , to learn. I have the upmost respect for those with the calling to teach and share knowledge. Good luck with school.

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