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Adding RAM


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Bought a used Dell Inspiron to replace my Macbook for now. Had one 256 stick in it. Bought a second 256 and installed it. How do I know that all is well? The computer turns on and runs fine, but when I check "properties" under "my computer" it still shows 256 for RAM? Where can I check for sure? It is XP by the way. Thanks!

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sounds like its either not seated or you have a bad stick, I just bought two 512 sticks for my desktop g4, one stick turned out to be bad.....oh well, thats what happens when you spend $15 for ram.



I also just got two 512 sticks for my dell inspiron 1100(which also happens to be running the intel version of OSX 10.4) lets hope they are both good.

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Yes...it should show 512 if it's working. You either have the problems already stated...or...the new stick you have is not compatible with your system. Did you check to be sure that it is the same "type" of RAM that is installed on your system?


The other thing is...512 total is not near enough for todays world. It takes nearly that just to run XP. My laptop had 512 and I just upgraded it to 2gb. I bought 2 1gig sticks on eBay and maxed it out...man what a difference. :thumbsup:

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Yes...it should show 512 if it's working. You either have the problems already stated...or...the new stick you have is not compatible with your system. Did you check to be sure that it is the same "type" of RAM that is installed on your system?


The other thing is...512 total is not near enough for todays world. It takes nearly that just to run XP. My laptop had 512 and I just upgraded it to 2gb. I bought 2 1gig sticks on eBay and maxed it out...man what a difference. :thumbsup:


NewEgg.Com Often has great Prices on RAM and I think they have a configurator where you put in your Make/Model and it spits out RAM that will work with your system.

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OK. Swapped RAM around. Appears that the new RAM is fine, the problem is that one of the RAM sockets doesn't read or something. It will only boot with RAM in DIMM socket B, with or without RAM in socket A. Any idea if there something I need to toggle in the BIOS or something? Boy I miss my Macbook. :(

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How old is that model? Some of the memory sales sites also tell you how much RAM your motherboard can recognize.


My desktop at home is a Dell Dimension 4100. It has two RAM slots and came with only one 256 MB DIMM. I was going to kick it up to 2 Gigs, but the site I found for memory said the Dimension 4100 will only accept up to 512 MB. I asked around and several sources confirmed that, so I just bought a second 256 MB DIMM and maxed the box out at 512.


Interestingly, my computer at work is also a Dell, several generations newer, that has 1 GB of RAM but runs significantly slower than my desktop at home. Too much network overhead. But 512 is plenty of RAM to run Xp if you don't try to do too much multi-tasking. It's enough for "work," but probably rather limiting if you're a gamer (I'm not).


See if you can find out what the maximum configuration is for that motherboard.

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It says that 1 gig is the limit. It also says 512 is the limit per slot. I'll just get a 512 stick and be done with it. 512 is plenty for what I do. This machine is just to get me through until I get another job anyhow. Thanks guys.

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