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fuel pump pressure....

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I'm having a little bit of hesetation in my 88 mj, it comes and goes ramdomly, the jeep runs with a slight miss / king pull that the engine does. I'm thinking fuel problem but I tested the fuel pressure at the rail and I'm getting a constant 31psi. Is that acceptable? any suggestions?

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thanks guys, keep the sugestion comming, I'm about to go out and double check the ground to the pump which CW tells me is behind the driver side tail light. I'm keeping the fuel gauge with me at all times in case it start acting up again I can quickly test the fuel pressure - I just do not want to change parts w/o knowing if they are bad at all. I did a complete tune up 3 years ago (17K miles ago) and recently (3 weeks ago) replaced the O2 sensor. Do you guys think I should do another tune up?

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No...another tune is not likely needed, but check your plugs, cap & rotor for fouling or defect anyway. I still would strong encourage you to replace the fuel injectors though. I am not saying that I believe that they are 100% to blame for your issue, but I can say that they will make a difference in your truck. Mine runs smoother, accelerates better and the MPH went up almost 14% :eek: :yes:

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Fuel filter? What brand wires did you use,Ive had trouble with off brand wires.Performance wires like MSD or even ACCEL offer a better spark. Also wire separators to keep wires apart can make big differance.I used to have problems in wet weather but no more. I would also try a good fuel injector cleaner that you pour in your tank. Try differant plugs if that does'nt work then spend money on new injectors.

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Injector cleaner in the tank...change plugs... :shake: Now you have wasted at least 15% of the money that could have gone to the new injectors. Check the plugs and if they are bad, change them. Injectors are not expensive and they are the biggest bang for the buck possible. Fuel injector cleaner is a scam and complete waste of money.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update - I got around and checked my cap and rotor. Both looked bad. A lot of corrotion, I went ahead and changed them. Next a removed all the plugs and they did not looked to bad - checked the gap and it was ok, right at .35. I ended up replacing them along with the spart plugs and wires and the comanche is running a lot better and the hesetation is gone!!!!




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Update - I got around and checked my cap and rotor. Both looked bad. A lot of corrotion, I went ahead and changed them. Next a removed all the plugs and they did not looked to bad - checked the gap and it was ok, right at .35. I ended up replacing them along with the spart plugs and wires and the comanche is running a lot better and the hesetation is gone!!!!




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Get rid of that piece of crud Fram oil filter before it damages your engine and replace it with something better. Purolator Pur-One is good, but anything is better than Fram, except possibly the Advance generic one, as I believe it is the same Fram filter.

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Get rid of that piece of crud Fram oil filter before it damages your engine and replace it with something better. Purolator Pur-One is good, but anything is better than Fram, except possibly the Advance generic one, as I believe it is the same Fram filter.

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I knew someone would say something about the Fram Filter, Iam aware of all the controversy about it, I have been using Fram for over 20 years w/o any issues. I have 2 xj, one with 146K, an the other with 236K, the Mj has 160K and my VW golf has 196 - all use Fram filters.

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I knew someone would say something about the Fram Filter, Iam aware of all the controversy about it, I have been using Fram for over 20 years w/o any issues. I have 2 xj, one with 146K, an the other with 236K, the Mj has 160K and my VW golf has 196 - all use Fram filters.

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  juan said:
I knew someone would say something about the Fram Filter, Iam aware of all the controversy about it, I have been using Fram for over 20 years w/o any issues. I have 2 xj, one with 146K, an the other with 236K, the Mj has 160K and my VW golf has 196 - all use Fram filters.


Comanche club members, stay away from Glastonbury Connecticut... when all those filters blow in such close proxcimity.. anyone in that portion of the state could be in jepordy!!! :eek: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :shake: :doh:


I like WIX.. I have told him so many times.. he won't listen..


BLHTAZ, I have also been harping on him about the injectors too... You know the saying, you can bring a horse to water, but you can't make him drunk.. err :eek: :D


I HOPE this fixes it Juan!!!



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  juan said:
I knew someone would say something about the Fram Filter, Iam aware of all the controversy about it, I have been using Fram for over 20 years w/o any issues. I have 2 xj, one with 146K, an the other with 236K, the Mj has 160K and my VW golf has 196 - all use Fram filters.


Comanche club members, stay away from Glastonbury Connecticut... when all those filters blow in such close proxcimity.. anyone in that portion of the state could be in jepordy!!! :eek: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :shake: :doh:


I like WIX.. I have told him so many times.. he won't listen..


BLHTAZ, I have also been harping on him about the injectors too... You know the saying, you can bring a horse to water, but you can't make him drunk.. err :eek: :D


I HOPE this fixes it Juan!!!



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