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Runs great, but dies unexpectedly sometimes - Please advise!

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I bought my Comanche a couple weeks ago. I had trouble getting it to start properly at first until I read some of the posts about the computer needing several revolutions of the engine to calibrate itself. Now it turns over a few times and starts right up. About once a week, at low speed, or at a light, it will die. I wonder if this is a computer going out? Please let me know your thoughts and experience.




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Could be a CPS issue, but it's not real common for them to be intermittent like that. It would be easier to diagnose on your part if it would not start again right away, but if it restarts immediately...it may be tough to find.

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  bilgamesh said:
OK, thanks for the replies. I searched and found a cleaning of the IAC may be something to try. I will give it a shot.


Incidentally, the truck has 123K miles on it.


Different vehicle (4Runner) but with the same symptoms (and the fact that I could shift into neutral and keep the revs up to prevent it dying), the IAC needed cleaning.


Good luck!

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I removed the wire clip, removed two Torx bolts and pulled the IAC out. It was covered in carbon deposit, and I am not sure how much the thing articulates, but it did not look like anything that would cause it not to move. I put it all back together, and I guess I will see if my mysterious dying repeats.


Incidentally, I could not detect any vacuum leaks or other loose wires. I did notice my battery ground was a little loose, but not to the point where I think it would lose contact.


I would appreciate any more thoughts.




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You would be quite surprised as to how sensitive these things are to ground issues. I had a high idle (3000 rpm constant) and I finally found out that it was because I moved my battery ground from it's original spot on the engine block to a different spot. As soon as I put it back in the original spot, my troubles were gone :shake: . I had replaced the IAC, TPS, CTS, MAP, EGR Valve, EGR Solenoid, vacuum hoses etc, etc... and was about to replace the ECU when I discovered the problem :wall:

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