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Need to replace Knock Sensor, help with identification requested

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So I have finally lowered my replacement engine out of a '98 into the Comanche. I had installed the knock sensor prior to installation and when the weight shifted a bit the motor mount bracket broke the sensor in half. When I look on Rockauto, the knock sensor they list looks nothing like what I have. Mine was a black cylinder with a Fuel injector connector on the back, the one on Rockauto looks more like a flat dome shape with a hole in the middle for a bolt to slide through. Also, they're $55 through Rockauto. Any chance there is a place to get the old style for less money anywhere, besides a junkyard? 


mine looked like this before it broke: 



The only ones I can find look like this. I'm assuming this new style works but would like verification that I'm looking at the right thing. 


Thanks for your help

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I hope you ordered the one on the left. That's the right one.....or should I say, that's the correct one.

It's an assembly. You screw the dealy-bob on the right into the block, and then attach that thing-a-ma-jig on the left to it. 

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Mine did not come pre-assembled, I needed a few friends over to help with it.

I have had the hardest time with the simplest tasks in my motor swap. With my luck, I'll have to cut the nut off the stud. 



Hey BlueX, you look like you have an ARB front bumper on the truck in your sig. Any idea what the difference between the bumper made for 84-96 and 97+ Cherokee? There's one for a 97+ on Craigslist that I'd be interested in if it would bolt up. I assume there's a reason ARB made two different models. Any idea how much this beast weighs? 


Edit; Nevermind, I found my answer on Naxja. Longer sides. I was hoping the ARB would mount up without having to trim but it looks like even the correct model made for the earlier design would still require cutting

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I hope you ordered the one on the left. That's the right one.....or should I say, that's the correct one.

It's an assembly. You screw the dealy-bob on the right into the block, and then attach that thing-a-ma-jig on the left to it.


Oh yeah, I forgot......it's been awhile since I replaced mine.

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I built my front bumper myself about 12 years ago. I used 1/4" plate for the winch cradle portion and the frame tie ins, the rest is 1/8" plate. I think the differences are the sides, I had mine extending back further to match the old style fenders, but the first time off road with it, the tires caught the bumper and bent them down.

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