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Green Mesa XJ

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    North West Florida

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  1. On these old jeeps could be the condenser is enough to change the cooling if it’s new to the set up. 2.5 -2.8 don’t need much of a cooling system compared to the 4.0. Only time my old2.8 xj got close to over heating it was a blown hose. Up steep terrain at high altitude in low gears engine working hard it was fine. Not fast but fine. If the head was off I suppose the block as much as could be seen looked ok. Just leaves the radiator unless the heater core is somehow restricting the flow as well. If it was bearly working before ac was added it might be enough to cause it to over heat Shops around here used to flow test radiators anybody still do that around you? On the other hand the OSC 871 at rock auto doesn’t look bad for the money. I tried to buy that one from summit, rock auto didn’t have it then, waited from March until September to get it in from China. It was wrong, right box wrong radiator. The pictures on summit and rock auto look correct I think I got the wrong radiator in the correct box. I ended up with a three row from eBay for the same money, they are out of stock now. assuming good water passageways, new water pump, thermostat, and it’s burped, bad radiator makes sense, Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  2. Reservoir was clogged? Radiator could be clogged, used to be you could take a radiator out and have a shop test it and recore them if needed. Other thought is passageways in the head and block could be blocked with gunk. How much is money an issue? I found an Aluminum radiator on eBay for the 2.8 for like $150, I dunno it has automatic transmission cooler lines or not. But maybe a new radiator wouldn’t be a bad idea. Still could be clogged in the block or head some where stopping the coolant. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  3. What he said. (Sorry can’t see the thread when I post with this app) It’s carbureted, only differences would California and federal emissions. Now that engine is common as dirt and anybody could have put whatever that wanted in. But factory it’s carbureted If it’s another Chevy tbi system or the 3.4 fuel injection is another question Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  4. I’ve had a few but only ever saw the 6cyl with the tach, I ended up running with the 1988-89 cluster because the printed circuits I had on the 84-86 kept pealing and failing. Tach was always wonky. wasn’t there something on the early ones that could be adjusted to 4 or 6? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  5. Thanks. It does not have a radiator cap. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  6. Just wondering about the 4.0 radiators interchanges. I was hunting a early AMC 2.8/2.5 aluminum radiator. Found one on eBay, and one from summit racing. The summit racing radiator I’ve been waiting on since March, the eBay radiator was in stock and looked close from the picture, it was cheap so I took a chance, when it arrived it was elongated 4.0 style radiator. Assuming it is for a 87 4.0 is that all it will fit 1987-90? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  7. Never knew the headrest were optional in the first years . Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  8. last picture is the mystery tag. Second is the more common tag, not a good picture the serial is in that tag as well, First picture is the fender with the original studs that hold the header stuck in the fender. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  9. BTW can anybody decide the AMC plates on the frame by the header , one was visible with the vin and other codes, then there is a second thinner plate attached by rivet to visible plate. This plate is hardy to read , seems to have the alphabet going around it maybe with indentation on certain letters Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  10. What would be a good way to secure the header with different mounting points? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  11. 3.7 & 4.7 can be good motors, but the 4.0 Jeep is legendary. If you can’t figure out what’s wrong with the renix, grab the HO wiring and computer and use those. But you ought to be able to fix the renix. BTW the 3.7 v6 and 4.7 v8 are aluminum heads do not forgive any even slight over heating (like most modern engines) and the pcm will be a pita to work around, I don’t think anybody has come up with a kit or programming to make those swaps easy. Only a hand full of liberty (kj) owners have done the swap and the 4.7 is the 3.7 with two more cylinders, their transmission bolt up and engine bay are closer to being drop in. Also until the mid 2000s the power output isn’t much more than the 3.7 v6. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  12. Yeah the 2.8 emblems has the stick tape already applied the front Jeep logo is two pins no sticky tape from the factory Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  13. Yeah there’s the small Jeep logo in the left corner and the big wagoner logo in the center Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  14. I think you right about the sticky tape, although the body shop I got it from might have done that. I want to say the nos logo had two mounting points and adhesive there ready to be peeled and applied but I havent actually had hands on the part in awhile in somewhere a mountain of boxes right now. I’m pretty sure somebody stole the Jeep logo off the header when it was parked at my parents house for a few years. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  15. Btw I think I have a nos Jeep badge for the header somewhere. Bought up a lot of those type of things from ebay anticipating a big 30 year “restoration” and life got in the way. Now our other xjs are nearing their thirty year mark and the old faithful still was waiting. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
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