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Spraying Over Ground Points?

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Curious what the forum thinks. I have heard advice that once a ground has been thoroughly cleaned and tightened down, it can be covered with spray paint to help prevent corrosion, I've even heard of things such as Zinc primer being used. 


Not necessarily looking to do this, I'm only asking since I have seen it more than once on several sites, just not here. 



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I've heard of people using "liquid electrical tape" on grounds before, for the exact reason you say. As long as it's tightened down, and nothing you apply to it can creep under the terminal leads (think penetrant like aerokroil or pb blaster), then I don't see any harm in it. I'd use something easily removed, though. No rhino lining, haha. 

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I'm personally a fan of Cruiser's suggestion of Oxgard.  It is basically silicone grease with carbon black in it to make it electrically conductive.  So the silicone grease keeps moisture and corrosion out while the carbon black allows a better electrical contact to be maintained than if straight silicone grease (dielectric grease) where used.


Sure you could paint over it too, but paint isn't necessary a great way to seal a connection, particularly one that can vibrate.

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I usually cover mine in dielectric grease. It's clear so you can see if there's rust forming under it so you can clean and reapply. I refreshed the tail light ground on mine a few years ago and no issues so far. 

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