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Evap canister importance

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I just put a THOR cowl-mounted intake for my 89 Renix.  It runs great so far without the stock intake-mounted vacuum line going to the evap canister.  I've capped that line off and left the fuel tank line connected. 


Do you think I really ought to run an intake line to the THOR?  Will this effect run-ability or will capping that line just cause some light, insignificant pressurization of the fuel tank?

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If you don't run the evap line, your tank is unlikely to be harmed. Your engine is likely going to run the same with or without that line connected. 



- You didn't have to hook up the hose. It looks less cluttered under hood. 



- Those vapors will eventually go somewhere that is not your combustion chamber. It isn't ideal for the environment and you are probably missing out on the tiniest bit of fuel efficiency. 

- You may notice a fuel smell near your parking space especially if it is enclosed. You may also notice a fuel smell in the cab.

- Even if you are not in an emissions state it is still technically not legal. 


My opinion would be to hook it up. Not hooking it up is WAY less bad than not running a catalytic converter but it doesn't hurt anything to have it connected. 





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