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1988 Comanche Hard to Start

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I have a 1988 Jeep Comanche. Had a head gasket leak so i replaced the head gasket & also purchased a new cylinder head. Now my Comanche is hard to start. Battery was dead, we jumped it but it took a few tries of cranking to get it started. It would sputter but not start. After it started and it we shut it off we couldn’t get it started again. Just it sputtering like its trying to start.


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Was a dead battery lol


new problem I'm running into is a weak coolant flow. I can see coolant flowing into the overflow tank but its a very slow stream compared to before i swapped the cylinder head. Could i have a bubble in my thermostat? Water pump has been replaced in the last year or two and has little run time.

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If you had a bad head gasket, you probably had pressure in the coolant.  That air pressure wants to make itself to the tank where it can escape out the cap.  The high pressure could have been increasing the flow rate into the coolant bottle.  Now that the head gasket it replaced the flow rate into the bottle could be reduced.

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