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Wrecked 92 Comanche - Yuma AZ

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So while looking to see if there were any Comanches with seats in them in the junk yards near me I found a wrecked one with what appears to be a good condition tailgate. Figured someone might be interested 


https://imageappky.car-part.com/image?seller=2797&partsourceid=2797&partGUID=2797-az38-1000496645&vehicleGUID=2797-az38-VRXX246&display=1992 Jeep Comanche Lid%2FGate Assembly-Stock%23 e2797 RXX246


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Wow. That's one of the worst smashed up comanche's I've seen.

The rear tailgate, bumper, possibly passenger door, some engine parts and tires/rims might be salvageable. With an impact of that magnitude, I would not be surprised if at least one of the alloys are cracked.

Such a sad way for a '92 to end up.


Edit: Certainly, I hope the driver survived this one.

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