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Manual page split

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Hey, on my build page I post enormous amounts of pictures. It makes it take forever to load and scroll and each update I keep giving is just tacking on to page 5 without rolling over. Is there a way to manually start a new page so everyone reading and I don't have to scroll for a mile to get to the new stuff?

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the length of the page is secondary to the size of those photos.  Pics hosted here on CC are 1/10th the size or smaller than imgur.  Note how fast the first page loads compared to the 5th page.  that first pages is entirely hosted on CC.  :L:  

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get in touch with Kryptronic.  He's been swamped at work lately, but when he gets some free time I imagine he can whip up some code that auto-saves all those pics you've already linked to imger :L: 

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