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ok guys i need some help fast I'm doing a 4x4 swap and using the AW4 and np242 out of my 96 cherokee and putting it into my 87 comanche. i got a nifty lil shifter from RaDesign that will allow me to manually control my trans. all i need to know is where the wires for the 2 solenoids and the lock up torque converter wire is. and what all the other harnesses coming out of the trans and tcase are. the shifter uses only a 12v hot and 2 signal wires, one for each solenoid to control the trans. if any one can tell me whats what that will help allot!!




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  On 7/11/2016 at 4:13 PM, mikekaz1 said:

for your speedo to work properly you will have to use your factory original sending unit. if I'm not mistaken

I'm prolly just going to try and fond a aftermarket speedometer that will accept the electronic signal from the sending unit. what are the 2 plugs on my t case for? i know one has to be a position sending unit  

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The top one in the photo is the speedometer, and your mechanical one should go right into where the electronic one goes. The bottom one is for the position sensor. Your factory cluster may or may not have provisions for the full-time light, but the harness will. The lights have constant power and the switch is on the ground side. As a heads up, with the cad-equipped 231 models the 4x4 switch (vacuum controlled, on a fender it the cad itself) has a ground and power wire (from the light) for the part-time, but the full-time switch (always on the t-case) has two power wires, one each for full- and party-time, and grounds internally.

I can't remember exactly what I did, but it was not hard to get the electric 242 lights working with my CAD '91, I just don't have the full-time cluster installed.

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  On 7/12/2016 at 12:18 AM, gogmorgo said:

The top one in the photo is the speedometer, and your mechanical one should go right into where the electronic one goes. The bottom one is for the position sensor. Your factory cluster may or may not have provisions for the full-time light, but the harness will. The lights have constant power and the switch is on the ground side. As a heads up, with the cad-equipped 231 models the 4x4 switch (vacuum controlled, on a fender it the cad itself) has a ground and power wire (from the light) for the part-time, but the full-time switch (always on the t-case) has two power wires, one each for full- and party-time, and grounds internally.

I can't remember exactly what I did, but it was not hard to get the electric 242 lights working with my CAD '91, I just don't have the full-time cluster installed.

ya i stole the display plate off the xj cluster and i was going to build a light board behind it. i just need to know what plug is for that position sending unit and what wires do what. but from what i understand from what you said, when i shift into lets say Full Time, the switch grounds the circuit powering the light? which one of the plug in is it, or goes it use both?

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