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Mj leaf as an Xj AAL.

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My brothers Xj he just bought is sagged in the rear by about 2". I have my old 2wd Mj leafs and was considering owing one of the leafs (just a leaf, not the whole pack) as an AAL for my brothers Xj. Anyone tried this and approx how much will it raise it up. He's on a tight budget and I have this stuff just laying around. Thanks.

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even if someone had done the exact same thing, there's no telling the exact lift you will get because it all hinges on the condition of 25 year old leaves.   only way to know for sure is to try. :thumbsup:   I'd wager about 3" depending on how many MJ leaves you use. 

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Adding an additional, cut-off XJ main leaf typically results in 1-1/2" of lift. An MJ leaf has a LOT more arch built in, so it will likely produce a lot more lift. 3 inches is probably as good a guess as any.


Keep in mind that the MJ springs use a larger centering pin, so an MJ leaf in an XJ pack is likely to move around a bit.

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Done this plenty of times. Use the 2nd or 3rd MJ leaf in the XJ pack. You'll gain around 2" of lift. You may have to upgrade the shocks as well depending on the lift you gain. Works great though and is holding strong on the applications I've used it.

That would essentially be a short AAL. How's the ride?

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Done this plenty of times. Use the 2nd or 3rd MJ leaf in the XJ pack. You'll gain around 2" of lift. You may have to upgrade the shocks as well depending on the lift you gain. Works great though and is holding strong on the applications I've used it.

That's essentially what I'm looking for for him. A way to use what I have to get him back to stock height. I knew they had more arch but just didn't want large lift. He's got to learn how to drive his Jeep before he goes and lifts it. And he's going to pay for his own parts. (Except these leafs as they're unwanted junk to me)
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Done this plenty of times. Use the 2nd or 3rd MJ leaf in the XJ pack. You'll gain around 2" of lift. You may have to upgrade the shocks as well depending on the lift you gain. Works great though and is holding strong on the applications I've used it.

That would essentially be a short AAL. How's the ride?


I used both the 2nd and 3rd leaf on my 96 XJ. The ride firmed up a bit but using it for towing my fourwheelers it handled it perfectly. The other 2 Xjs I've don't this on I only added the 2nd MJ leaf from the pack and they ride great imo. Anything's better than saggy stock. Lol

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