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'86 MJ, 2.5L TBI - Newbie

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I recently acquired a 1986 Custom, LWB, 2.5L, AX4 and have been lurking since then.  I'll be completely up front, I don't have a lot of knowledge with engines.  This site has already taught me a ton. 


Since getting it, I have tackled non engine things (for the most part) such as fixing the floors, and other body rust, and swapping out the idiot lights for a real dash.


Now, I'm getting to working on the engine to ensure it stays in good running condition.  Frankly, I'm embarrassed to say, that I can't find the fuel rail or fuel injectors at all.  I also have some serious vacuum problems that need to be addressed.  However, I can't find any kind of diagram or new vacuum harnesses/lines for that year.  Everything is 1987+.  


Any help with the vacuum lines and what I'm looking at in this engine bay is greatly appreciated.  The light is terrible, so if better lighting is needed, I will provide tomorrow.


Thanks in advance.IMG_20151229_224727.jpgIMG_20151229_224745.jpgIMG_20151229_224805.jpgIMG_20151229_224819.jpg

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Well, that will clear up a big chunk of questions for me (minus the vacuum).  I'm not currently at my truck, so I cannot look - I'm assuming that the TBI means the fuel line runs directly to the throttle body and there is no rail?

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Awesome, thanks for the help.


So, here is the throttle body.  I'm assuming what I am looking at here is the top of the fuel injector.  With that said, how in the world would I go about removing it?  I took some of the throttle body cover off and it looks as if there is no other way to remove it outside of the screw in the middle.  However, that screw looks to be stripped.  Tips are appreciated.



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Ok, thank you again for the help.  I do have a few more questions.  I purchased a factory service manual, so these basic questions will stop soon.


First off - what am I looking at here?






Second, in regards to the vacuum questions I had previously, I finally found the diagram.  With that said, there are two things that don't make sense.  1) the attached diagram shows two hoses that should leave the valve cover as PVC out.  I only see one.  2) I am unable to locate where in the world the "thing" is that shows the resistors and purge signal locations.






And finally, this whole vacuum project started because of there only being defrost in my vehicle.  After doing some research, I was able to locate the line that leaves my vacuum ball.  It is currently connected to nothing.  I found where it SHOULD fit in the firewall, but the line has broken at some point.  With that said, I am trying to find out where, in the cab, the lines would run too so I can replace the whole thing.  This is where I am as of now.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.





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First - That is the heater bypass valve. It's intended purpose is to bypass the heater core when the heat is off. This part is prone to failure and was eliminated in later years. I removed my valve after it left me without heat on a long drive.


Second - The 'big thing' is the charcoal canister. It is located just below that heater bypass valve. The purge signal is a small contraption located on the passenger fender well near the coil/ignition control module.


Third - There should be a hard vacuum line coming through the firewall near the heater bypass valve. This feeds from the line coming from the vacuum ball. You won't find these vacuum lines on the emissions diagram posted.

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