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The easiest way is to buy a Chief or Limited instrument cluster with the tach, and just swap the clusters. The wiring is already there. Since you have a Pioneer, your should already have gauges rather than idiot lights, so you wouldn't have to change any sensors.

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clusters are grouped 84-86, 87-90 and 91-96.  84-86 and 87-90 can be converted back and forth with some minor mods.  the tach may not be accurate if it came from a rig with the other size engine (if it came from a 4banger, it'll still read 1 rpm per 4 ignitions), but most can be adjusted to work right again.

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just swap in a full cluster from a cherokee or comanche with the same engine and same year group. ive done this on all 3 of my mjs. if you have idiot lights you have to swap out the sending units. if you have guages already just swap the cluster.

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