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Cleaning/removing fusebox


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My clutch master went out last week, and of course it dumped brake fluid into/on my fusebox. What's the best way to get it cleaned up?


I've seen some people reference removing it and cleaning it outside the truck, and some posts are saying to just do it in the truck. I've sprayed a bunch of electrical cleaner on it so far with it in the truck, but I don't feel like it's getting particularly clean, especially on the backside.


Seems like the best way would be to take it out, but I can't tell how to do that--I've got the 2 gold Phillips screws loosened inside and the 1/4" bolt loosened on the engine-bay side of the connector, so it's loose but still attached by the wires. Would I have to take them out individually or...? I can't really tell for sure how everything is connected to the box itself and if it's easily removable or not.



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It's almost out......

Right--how do I get it the rest of the way? From what I can tell, the harness feeds straight into the fusebox; there aren't any grouped connectors or anything. I'm guessing I have to disconnect every wire individually from the box after taking good notes/pictures for where they go?


Sorry if that's a dumb question, I just don't want to pull all those wires if there's an easier way that I'm missing.

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once you have removed the bolt in the center of the connector on the firewall side, you can pull off the two halves of the connector.  one side of the connector is held captive by the other.  probably the black tar that jeep used to protect the contacts is holding the connector tight to the fuse block.  just pry gently and it will come off.  no need to remove individual contacts.....

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