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SOA, Ford 8.8 w/ 2wd leafs

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I want functionality and comfort. I know that's hard to come by without doing a coil conversion! I don't mind fabbing the work for SOA, but since my Manche will be on the road 85% of the time, I'd like comfort. I'm worried about not only aesthetics (leafs sticking out when looking at the jeep from the side) but ground clearance as well with SOA VS SUA.

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i  went from 4.5" leaf packs SUA to 2wd leaf packs SOA.  that being sad, i would NEVER go the 4.5" SUA route again.  pretty much everything about it is better.  like i previously said, you will notice more axle wrap.  i eventually built a traction bar but ran without one for many years.  what lift are you going to do for the front?

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i  went from 4.5" leaf packs SUA to 2wd leaf packs SOA.  that being sad, i would NEVER go the 4.5" SUA route again.  pretty much everything about it is better.  like i previously said, you will notice more axle wrap.  i eventually built a traction bar but ran without one for many years.  what lift are you going to do for the front?

I am thinking about Clayton XJ 4.5" front LA. If I need to do a spacer I will. But I prefer a little rake, maybe .5" higher in the rear. I'm unfamiliar enough with leaf setups let alone traction bars... How do traction bars work exactly?

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This is my rig with 6.5" coils paired with SOA on 2wd leafs and a 1"lift shackle. It was slightly higher in the rear.



During acceleration, the leaf pack will want to twist due to the torque. A traction bar mounts from the axle tube to the frame and they prevent that twisting effect. If the packs twist far enough, you will damage them and also run the risk of snapping ujoints.

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I'm trying to fully understand what a shackle is. It is there because the leafs expand when they compress obviously. But the shackle also plays a roll in the quantity of lift as well. Any recommendation on types of shackle to use if I go SOA on the 8.8 so I don't like this thing to the MOON?


I also narrowed the kits down to these, what do you think man?



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Alright I think I'll play around with a SOA setup. I also found that playing with the leaf packs by adding a main leaf will help resist spring wrap. Know anything about that?


Sorry for all the Q's, I'm very familiar with coil springs/CAs so I'm not worried about the front.

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Alright I think I'll play around with a SOA setup. I also found that playing with the leaf packs by adding a main leaf will help resist spring wrap. Know anything about that?


Sorry for all the Q's, I'm very familiar with coil springs/CAs so I'm not worried about the front.


it will help yes, but you are relying on those added leafs to fight a lot of forces so eventually you will start to get spring wrap.

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that's why I went with the extra leaf.  It's not exactly easy to work around the gas tank.  plus I already had the extra leafs lying around.  It's not perfect, but has worked out well for me. :thumbsup:  and there are plenty of guys running straight packs that haven't yet hurt anything from spring wrap.  I'd try it with what you've got and add on from there if it presents a problem.  

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