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1998 XJ Horn

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There's enough '97+ swaps around to ask here, I think...


The horn in my '98 XJ does not work. Right now there's no horn physically in it, but I don't get power out to the wires on either side where they should be. When I push the horn button, I hear a clicking over in the passenger side footwell (I assume there's a relay for it) but I doubt that it clicks loud enough for outside traffic to hear to be a suitable substitute. Anywhere else I can look for a fuse or...? If it matters at all, the turn signal doesn't shut off by itself when you complete a turn nor do the high beams work without holding the switch. Thanks dudes!


Picture... because people like pictures.


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I figured as much. I guess I was hoping someone who's done a '97+ swap on their MJ would chime in with something along the lines of, "Oh yeah! Check on the connector under the left muffler flap that's labeled 'HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE HORN' because it actually has everything to do with the horn."  :D A guy can hope for something as simple as that anyhow, eh?

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If I get back from class early enough this evening I'll see if I can find the horm circuit in the 2000 XJ FSM. No promises, though -- the electrical diagrams in that book run over 100 pages. :Yike!:

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