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Trying to remove radiator, can't get isolator nuts off

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Hello all,


I'm trying to refresh the cooling system in my 1988 4.0 MJ and convert to an open system in the process.  I have almost everything out, but I can't get the radiator header off because the two nuts that hold the upper radiator isolators are spinning with the bolt that is below it.  Is there a trick to it or something?


I am thinking I'll need to use a dremel and perhaps cut a slot in the slightly protruding bolt.  Then I could use a box wrench on the nut and use a flat head screwdriver to hold the bolt in position.  Any thoughts?



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I had a similar problem when I replaced my radiator. I ended up having to cut the nut from the bolt, and then went to the junkyard to get a "new" isolator. Your idea would work, but it will be an annoyance in the future.

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I had the same problem when I did mine, it is a dumb design.  Just do as suggested above and cut them off, or do what I did by accident, yank on it hard enough to pull the bolt captured inside that rubber free, and just put a wrench on each side lol.

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Yup, do what ya have to to get them off. Dealt with few times, although I just keep Goop-ing them back together because I'm cheap.

If you decide to go this route, replace the bolts and nuts with whatever you want. But stock they are a Metric M5

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