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A Trailer "Open House"


80th+4+%2812%29.JPG For my father's 80th birthday party I brought one my little trailers to western Iowa to have it on display for the party goers. It was a big hit. ... Everyone loved "Lucy" the vintage Comanche trailer.


My son won this very large flamingo at Adventure Land in Des Moines that year, so we had to have it perched on top.


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Some very good pictures in your album.  Can you tell me what years that overhead console comes from?  Looks like you put it into a Comanche.  Would love to know more about it.  Can you point me to some posts with information?  Thanks.




I saw this and want to know if it related to the truck or a plane. It's cast aluminum and 8 inches length. . I had never seen this badge on a truck

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Some very good pictures in your album. Can you tell me what years that overhead console comes from? Looks like you put it into a Comanche. Would love to know more about it. Can you point me to some posts with information? Thanks.





I saw this and want to know if it related to the truck or a plane. It's cast aluminum and 8 inches length. . I had never seen this badge on a truck

Rockmj is his username.. he is on here.. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&ei=acjnVP2-OseqgwTCkILgBQ&url=http://comancheclub.com/topic/25958-headliner-madness-custom-headliner-with-fiberglass-goodness/page-2&ved=0CCAQFjAB&usg=AFQjCNGePy9B-CFmJmRA89e50LO0cJef8w&sig2=Ij2CLg58hQE09Pw6PmYnEg I did mine somewhat different then his but about the same idea.. turned out pretty nice I think.
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