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Fuel Pump Replacement

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I hate that I've been opening so many topics lately. But I can not figure this out and need to know ASAP. I bought a Bosch 69302 fuel pump for my new sending unit. This is the Bosch pump part number that every parts website says fits my truck. But it came in and its a lot smaller than the original pump. It has these rubber bushings which I think make the pump work, though. But I cannot figure out how they're supposed to go on. Has anyone ever done this before? I need to know ASAP so that I can send it back if I have to.



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I have done it before, the thick rubber Washer with the 8 smaller holes goes on the "white plastic end" of the fuel pump. The other black rubber washer goes on the  "black end" of the fuel pump, the white plastic " C " is just a spacer to compensate for the shorter length of the fuel pump in order to mount it correctly to the sending unit assembly that goes in the tank, I remember I had to trial and error mine a bit and had to actually trim it just a little for clearance, the thin big round rubber washer is for the lock ring for the sending unit and the piece of hose and clamps are pretty obvious, I don't remember if I needed the longer connector and extra plastic clip but a little creativity is required to make it work :thumbsup:

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