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Chassis Channel Reinforcement

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Quick question. I'm at the point where I just want to get my build back on the road and stop having to fab every part. Will RuffStuff's XJ chassis reinforcement plates work on an MJ? Even if I need to cut some of the rear off, I'd be okay with it. Could reuse that loss in some shape or form... I'd assume from the crossmember forward, it would be fine.


I'm 3 linking and almost have the CA mounts ready to roll. They have a 20% off sale today and needed to order a few things anyways, just thought I'd ask!

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I have the HD engineering XJ front frame stiffys, theyre not expensive and fit pretty good, youll need to shape (hammer) them to the unibody pretty good especially near the trackbar bracket and behind the bumpstop regardless of who you get them fromand I planned on making my own middle section since no companies make any that I'm aware of.

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