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Roll Bars For Bed

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So couldn't find a topic on this. Thought I would start one. Since the factory roll bars are so hard to get my hands on. I thought about making some of my own. I wanted a little advice on maybe the best design and if I should have the mounting before the wheel wells on top of the wheel wells or after the wheel wells seen trucks with all three and wanted to know where the best placement might be. Love to see any pictures of custom roll bars for the comanche or any advice on this project. 

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Few pics I am thinking of doing. 



After the wheel wells 





On the wheel wells 



Or before the wheel wells.


Also was wondering about either going double or single hoop all the the above are single. This is a double. 



Maybe a double hoop on the wheel wells since I have holes there from the last set of roll bars. 

Was thinking this for the best.  



Also was thinking about going with 2 and 1/2 inch piping though I think most of these pictures the piping is 3 inches 

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I suppose since I am doing my own roll bars I will have to make my own tie in brackets as well. I know I have seen like a helpful picture thread and there were some good shots of tie in brackets on it. Can't find that thread anymore. Had tons of helpful pictures in it. If someone can find it and link that be great. Any ideas on how to make tie in brackets or any place that sells these brackets that fit the comanche?

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I suppose since I am doing my own roll bars I will have to make my own tie in brackets as well. I know I have seen like a helpful picture thread and there were some good shots of tie in brackets on it. Can't find that thread anymore. Had tons of helpful pictures in it. If someone can find it and link that be great. Any ideas on how to make tie in brackets or any place that sells these brackets that fit the comanche?


Pinned in the DIY section, page 4 of the post has the brackets picture. http://comancheclub.com/topic/19732-random-informative-picture-thread/

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