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Another Injector Swap Question

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I did a ton of reading here...




But I'm looking for further confirmation. It looks like the "703" neon injectors are the best upgrade for the Renix and HO motors. I'm going to the junkyard today to try and find a set. If they don't have them, someone local has a 97' TJ fuel rail and injectors on craigslist for $40. Will 97' injectors work on a 90' Renix motor or will the 39-43psi vs. 49psi be an issue? I don't want a "fuel wash" condition where fuel goes unburnt, soaks the cylinder walls, thins the oil and then spins the rod bearings ( a common problem if you use injectors that are too big).

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Wait for 703s. I put them in mine and after about 60 miles it made a world of difference. I'm sure partially due to nice cleaned injectors but the idle is better and all around runs better.


Worth waiting. If you have a decent junkyard you should be able to find 703s fairly easy.

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wasnt there a link to an awesome rebuild injector supplier floating around here somewhere??

Not sure who you mean. If it was Precision, he's gone down hill since I first dealt with him. 


A guy on Cherokee forum does them. 

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I spent 2 hours in the hot sun pulling 20-30 injectors from a ton of Neons. All 74somethings. No 703's, too many Jeep guys around Denver I guess. I ended up with another set of stock injectors for $60, and the truck runs now!


I found 703 remans on ebay for $150 shipped for 6, I'll probably go that route once I fix a few other issues with the truck.


Good deal for some Vovle injectors too!




This is why I needed new injectors. Previous owner drilled holes in the gas tank putting Brat seats in the bed. Then the mud and water got in, and the Jeep sat for a few years. This is the aftermath.


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