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How Can You Tell If You Have Add-A-Leafs?

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I'm trying to figure out whether my leaf pack is aftermarket or is a stock pack with Add-a-Leafs or maybe even has longer shackles?




Are these stock control arms? They look really beefy


Thank you guys for all the help I really appreciate it!

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Ok so the last leaf you have is the add a leaf which doesn't look right compared to the rest of the leafs....that add a leaf is sapose to be on top of the one sittingon top of the one sitting on top of the add a leaf......ok that even confused me..

Or just switch the last to bottom leaf to the one on top of it...

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Lol I didn't know what they were until I got a Comanche. I think only the metric ton package had the overload leaf? Maybe someone with a D35 can chime in and let us know. I'm trying to get my rear back to stock height so I can do an SOA without having 10" of lift lol.

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I have a D44, not Metric Ton, with overload...AND a full length add-a-leaf.


I don't mean to sound condescending but if you can't tell if you have an add-a-leaf or stock control arms you may want to think twice about doing an SOA by yourself.  Spend some time looking at the under pinnings of an SOA and pricing out parts.  With stock springs you'll end up with 5.5" to 6" of lift


Doing an SOA right involves relocating spring perches, extended brake lines, new front lift coils, dealing with pinion angles, adjustable track-bar, adjustable control arms and quite a bit of expense (especially if you have a shop doing it).   

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Well I can see how it would be easy to judge my skill level from your point of view but I think I will be alright not knowing what a stock lower control arm on an almost 30 year old vehicle looks like. I already know about pinion angles and welding on spring perches/shock mounts. I already have an adjustable track bar so the only thing I really don't know much about are adjustable control arms and I think I will be able to figure them out. That's the only way I will be able to learn and then when I'm at your level I can tell people how they should think twice about doing it themselves ;)

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Hey 88ChiefMJ,

Looks like the rear Shackle is aftermarket, Front Control arms too.

Count the Leafs in the Rear, this will help to verify where they are from.

SOA will net you roughly 6" if Lift. The Perches, Brake line and Parking Brake Cables all will need attention.

Don't forget about the Height Proportioning Valve!! Adjust the Rod, or Relocate the Bracket on the Axle Hub.

Best of Luck!!

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Sorry, but like I said...in different terms...didn't mean to sound like an a$$.  My skill level isn't high, it's acceptable for what I need to do...that's about it.  And I only got where I'm at by over-reaching my previous experience from working on my Chevy truck back in the 70's.  Also, as opposed to what you are wisely doing, when I started working on the Jeep(s) I didn't go to any forums to ask questions.  I just doofus-ed around for the first year or so of fixing things on my XJ, then I graduated to MJ's out of necessity.


I've learned volumes from the guys on here (and other Jeep forums) that are either gear heads or actual professionals (I'm neither) or have a boat load of experience from doing what they love.  So, Jeep on. 

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