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Pop-Out Rear Glass Like A 'breezer' Window?

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Hey gang! I've got another weird one!

I've got an '88 with a busted slider. My donor has a perfect one-piece rear window.

I want to keep my camper top open to the cab, so I was visualizing making my one-piece window hinge at the top (into or away from the cab, whatever is easier) like a safari window- or maybe simply making it removable.

I've been scrounging around the modded-truck realm of the internet trying to find out if it's possible, but can't seem to find any examples.

Am I just p!ssing up a rope here?

Here's the inspiration, a Breezer window:

(too bad these never caught on... if the internet pics are correct, babes love to hang out of 'em )



I'm thinking that it would be easiest to use a porthole-style hinge and clamps:



Safari window:



Here's an idea I thought was neat:

Use Wrangler hood catches as the closure and hinges:




Please share any ideas, caveats, love, hate whatever that you guys may feel.



Edit- I know I can't drill tempered glass. All attachments would have to be clamps, adhesive or a carrier frame.

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