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Need Some Help

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Hello every one


I am new to the forum so I just want to start off by saying its a pleasure to be here and I look forward to learning as much as I can. 

To start I recently purchased a 1989 Eliminater 4.0 and it has a lot sentimental value to me because my father had one and I remember all the great memories from when I was young. Now for the real question , I am currently in the process of removing every thing I do not truly need to make the jeep function properly ie. AC and various electronic things that may have been cool back in 1988 but have no application to off raoding.


1. what are the do's and don't's of removing the AC unit ?


2. what are some other things I should remove if any ?

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Keep the AC and convert it to on board air. There are writeups about doing that and what is needed. If you don't want that its really no big deal to keep it on there, it just freewheels when not in use. If you do remove it maybe you can do an alternator relacation to get it up higher to protect it while offroading. As far as whats required to remove it, is really no big deal. Disconnect the lines at the firewall, the compressor, and condensor. Remove the condensor. Tie the wiring up out of the way, Thats all that really needs to be done if you want it out of there. What you do concerning the compressor is up to you.


don't remove the charcoal canister or any of the evaporitve lines. These don't affect performance and actually take care of fumes and stuff you don't want to be smelling all the time.


You can diconnect the EGR without any issues. Do your research before doing that on how to do it properly without affecting anything else.


You probably have a disconnect style front axle. You can lock that over into the on position full time and do away with the vacuum controls so you don't have to worry about it failing and leaving you with only 2wd. There are writups here to do that as well.


Good luck and let us know what you end up doing.

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Thank you I was trying to figure that out because I really do not like where the alternator is located and I have no problem getting a smaller belt and reconfiguring it to fit the engine.

 but sense you mentioned it , I really don't like the Renix vac both top and bottom do you think I could just simply fab an EGR delete kit for it or is that going to far ? 

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there is also a ac delete pulley you can purchase or find in a junk yard, my eliminator never had ac. Came from the factory with it. This way you can just use the normal size belt.

If you are really going to remove the a/c, do it right and find the factory idler pulley and bracket. Or do as suggested above and convert the compressor to on-board air.

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