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Steering Boxes

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If you pull a box from a JY, just take a real good look at the pitman arm seal and check for any sort of leaks.  Also, try to get one with the lowest mileage you can find.  Its a crap shoot on JY boxes...but still probably the cheapest solution.


When they start to leak, they'll leak bad, real bad, lots of pressure from the pump going in there.  


Even a leaky one can be rebuilt with hand tools pretty easy...just google up "jeep saginaw steering box rebuild".  Looking for my 4th box for my dd ZJ, already used the spares I had in the garage and the current one takes more effort turning right than left...I should just buy a rebuilt unit... but I'm just too cheap to buy one and too lazy to rebuild one. 


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^^ Good advice. I picked up one a few years ago from a 96 ZJ w. 80K on it. The gear box itself was clean and dry. Installed it and it was tight with no play but had slight weeping at the output shaft at first. Tried some Lucas 10008 power steering stop leak and after about 100 miles or so the weeping stopped with no ill effects. It's still clean and dry after 2+ years. Guess I was lucky.

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My current box isn't that bad but that little extra effort turning right over the last 15K or so miles has resulted in the leather steering wheel cover very slowly making a 360 around the wheel. 


No one else would notice, but I do and its just one of those little ankle biters that really gets on my nerves.

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