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Blower Motor Resister

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The resistors sole purpose is to reduce voltage to the blower to give you SLOWER fan speeds ... to answer the question ... yes if you remove it you will only have hi speed as 12v goes to the fan. When the resistor fails the symptom is a loss of slower fan speeds.


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 ok so if the resistor fail it only has high speed. good to know, but i checked the resistor and they were a little rusty other then that non of them were broken and looked fine. i tore apart my whole dash and removed the heater unit and saw that the speed switch is probably the cause.






this is what my resistor looked like except w/out the steel cover around it




on the right hand side the posts that are on the switch itself that the connecter plugs into are lose and seem pretty bad and i think is why i only have high speed. going to get a a another unit and see if that solves the problem.

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