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Quick Tip For The Cps (Might Get You Home In A Jamb)

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My wife had been experiencing the dreaded CPS failed symptoms….stalling and hard starts….so she asked me to drive her XJ to see for myself ( I had already listened to her complaints and the new CPS was ordered from e-bay and on the bench)…..but still wanted to see for myself.


Drove for 2 days and nothing …..ran and started good every time.


So I looked back on the days she had problems  and noticed they always happened on sloppy snow days….could that have something to do with it??  As well when looking down from above on the sensor I could see that the back od the valve cover was “recycling” oil for me and the bell housing and CPS were coated in oil and grim?????? HMMMMM????


Yesterday finally on the way home from NAPA it happened ……stumble…..stumble……stall……


3 or 4 attempt to restart and nothing then the thunderbolt… :rock on: ….(like I said on my way back from NAPA)….went into the bag pulled out a can of carb cleaner I had gotten for another project (ice auger) put on the straw….lifted the hood and gave the CPS a few blasts…I could see grime fly off immediately…..reached my hand in and turned the key….she fired right up like a champ.


125 Kms and multiple starts and stops later (now the next day) and not a hiccup…..(WAS IT JUST DIRTY??)


Not saying it is the end all/cure all…….but might get you home on a cold wet night.


HAPPY NEW YEAR :Canadaflag:

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My Jeep tech friend told me years ago that when a CPS gets hot, there are wires inside that lose contact, and this causes the Jeep to stall out. He told me to squirt water in the CPS area or put some ice down there. This will get you out of a jam and I have seen it work. (Sorry for my lack of proper technical terminology)

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