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Carpet Replacement Tips? Sound Deadening Mtl?

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OK, I've got my old cow manure coated carpet pulled and I'm fixing the rust.  I have a pretty good Junkyard vinyl mat from a '90 Comanche ready to go back in. 


Should I remove the sound deadening material from the backside?  It seems that this stuff holds moisture and is the primary cause of our floorboard rust in these trucks.


Any experiences or advice would be welcomed.



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If you are referring to the fabric material underneath the carpet, like this




then yes it holds water like a sponge and it would be in you best interest to remove every scrap of it from your floorboard. 






But if there is carpet material behind the back board thing . . . . 




I would leave it and the backboard in place. The odds of it getting wet are highly unlikely, as opposed to your floorboards.




FWIW i replaced mine with some of this stuff




I had ^this^ stuff, then a new layer of that fabric stuff, then new carpet on top of that. Can you say quiet?   But of course i missed a few leaks and the nrand new carpet eventually became utterly soaked, so out it came. After about the third time i just left it out. No, i have not had time to find the leaks.

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That aluminized stuff you used looks great.  I have a roll of the household type that is basically bubble wrap with metallic outer layers. Maybe I'll throw some of that in there to replace the factory stuff. 


Thanks for responding and adding the pics of your project.

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Not to get too far off subject but I installed a similar sound deadening product in mine.  I wanted to sound deaden particularly around the b-pillars.  I was a little afraid of it holding moisture so I installed it on the back of the plastic parts rather than on the steel itself.  It seemed to help but of course it could have been my imagination.

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