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Headlight Issue

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discovered today that my headlights come on with the ignition switch (never done this prior). upon investigation I discovered that when the headlights are on, I can turn the ignition switch off and remove the key -- engine stays running, push in the headlight switch, engine dies. :dunno:


did not find a headlight sentinal as pointed out by hornbrod in this post or even the plug for it -- http://comancheclub.com/topic/30301-help-headlights-on-truck-is-off/?hl=daytime+running+lights&do=findComment&comment=307866


highbeams come on & highbeam indicator lamp comes on as per normal ops --


even looked for the headlight module (under the hood) that our Canadian cousins have issues with  - not found ---


did find under the dash a black module with the marking SE8956000428 molded into it and UTA 0326 painted on it.


my voltage guage is not reading in the 12 volt area not up at 14 like previously


edit -- it was raining here yesterday, had to ford a small river at an intersection --- maybe something is wet?


any ideas?


thanks one and all :bowdown:

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How long have you owned your truck?


If you haven't had it long, it could be that the previous owner acted on the hoopla that started in California about 13 years ago about the safety benefits of DRLs (Daytime Running Lights), and had some sort of modified circuit installed. If so, maybe whoever did the work did a less-than-perfect job...


Incidentally, the powers that be thought that DRLs were such a good idea that new cars come so equipped - I hear it is a requirement nowadays.

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How long have you owned your truck?


If you haven't had it long, it could be that the previous owner acted on the hoopla that started in California about 13 years ago about the safety benefits of DRLs (Daytime Running Lights), and had some sort of modified circuit installed. If so, maybe whoever did the work did a less-than-perfect job...


Incidentally, the powers that be thought that DRLs were such a good idea that new cars come so equipped - I hear it is a requirement nowadays.


That would be the daytime running light module. See the link in his post.



My guess as far out as it seems...is it ex government or something simular? Seems to me that would work perfect for someone to lock the truck up in the winter and keep it running(warm) and not worry about someone stealing it or something.

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Zack -- that is exactly how it works -- turn off the key/remove key with headlights on -- trk continues to run, steering wheel locked -- 

I've had the truck two yrs and as of thursday, it did not do this --- 


the P.O. was security at the "burning man" festival --- maybe something he installed something that was dormant and reactivated --- like a time delay virus 


I've not made any modifications for several months --- 


autocheck report

0 Event(s) Reported:

6 Vehicle uses checked:


No fleet, rental and/or lease use record


No taxi use record


No police use record


No government use record


No livery use record


No driver education record



guess we'll see eh? 

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Something changed, if you didn't do a ground refresh, I'd do one now. Then I'd make sure my front markers weren't all corroded, if they are, they can back feed and cause all kind of light issues. Then I'd think about the possibly of a bad light switch, or wiring, or possibly the key ignition switch might have gone out of adjustment and is causing anomaly's. The ignition switch is under the dash, connected to the key switch with a rod. There are 2 mounting screws that allow for adjustment, possibly this adjustment is out or possibly the ignition (not key) switch is bad.

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UPDATE - had free time at work this morning (felt kinda wierd), so I went out and began checking all of the fuses. turns out the po had fuses in unneeded slots. pulled all but the basics that I knew were valid on this truck. voila the issue went away -- not sure which one it was, but one of them apparently was causing a short of some kind. why this occurred after two yrs of ownership, I have no idea ---- oh well life with 25 yr old trucks eh?  


thanks again for all the ideas --  :cheers:

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