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Aw4 Skips 2Nd Gear?

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So a few weeks ago I bought a 1995 XJ, And was told by the PO that it skipped second gear. I didn't think that was a problem. So I went out for a drive a couple of days after I got it, And like the PO said no second gear. So I started digging in to the likely causes.


So here's what I have done so far..


- Replaced Trans filter 

- Replaced fluid with DEX/MERC III

- Tested Solenoids

- Tested TPS sensor

- Tested fuse

- Adjusted kick down cable


That is all I have done as of right now. When I first got the XJ I checked the Trans fluid and there was barley anything in it and was very burnt (looked like dirty engine oil)


Don't think it is a mechanical problem as it shifts fine through the other gears, I believe it's a electrical problem. The only other things I can think of is the TCU and or the NSS, which I have no idea if that affects shift patterns. I have never worked on a AW4 before so I am not to familiar with them. And when I search about this problem nothing is very helpful or completely useless information :yes: 



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Check your 1 & 2 solenoid in the AW4.  Should ohm out around 11-13 if I remember correctly. You don't have to pull the pan to do it. Some time back I sent the info to some one on here on how to do this.  Hopefully he'll read this and comment here.

Full throttle shift to 2nd gear happens around 44-4500 RPM.  ! & 2 solenoid both have to work together make the 2-3 shift a go.

Still had this laying around, maybe it will help. The last one may be to old by now.




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Look again for the fuse at the TCU.  It's a 10A inline fuse, as PART of the wire harness about a foot away from the TCU connector, taped up about 4-6" away from a resistor pack.


If you have an AW4 and a AW4 TCU you have the fuse.  If you don't, you have problems.  Just sayin'. 

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I will check the solenoids again tomorrow. It's the only thing I can think of that would be the problem.


And as for the TCU fuse under the dash, It doesn't have one. The only fuse is in the fuse block in the engine bay.


The TCU fuse for 1991 and up is located under the hood in the Power Distribution Center (PDC), right side of the engine. Fuse F5, 10A.


Pull that fuse and shift the AW4 manually. If it shifts normally, most likely you have a bad TCU.

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