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A/c Hoses - Help

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I am looking for a/c hoses.  I have the part numbers from the parts catalog, but I cannot find the exact part on-line.


I have an '87, 4.0 w/ factory a/c.  The three hoses are 1) evap to compressor #56002724, 2) compress to condenser #56001662 and 3) condenser to receiver #56002189.  All these part no. are listed for the 87.


The catalog lists different part no for the 88/89 to 90.  (The evap to compressor lists the 87 and 88 as the same number.)


I have looked online at Rockauto, Morris Jeep and Quadratec.  Quad Morris is the only one that list all three hoses, but only for the 88/89 to 90 years. (Even their descriptions list them for later model XJs.)


Will the differnt hoses fit the 87 system?


Are there other sourses for these parts you may know?


These are the last pieces for the restoration.

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I have an 88', so not sure about your 87'. There are two condenser styles, factory and 'American' or dealer installed. One of the differences is where the lines connect at the condenser. My American AC connections were on the engine side of the radiator support. The factory and most replacement condensers connect in front of the radiator support. The lines are obviously different. There are also at least two compressors, not sure but would determine which is installed on your 87. I purchased the liquid lines from RockAuto and the condenser to dryer line from an Auto AC outfit in Florida. The guy I talked to in Florida knew all the correct lines that I needed based on my condenser and compressor. 56279 was the Four Seasons p/n for a 91 4.0 that I bought from RockAuto. Fits the factory or pass through the firewall style hose to condenser. JeepAir.com was the place in Fla that I found for the liquid line, or Drier to Condenser. I'd call them if you have questions on what you need.

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I am intrigued about the jeepair wrangler kit. I am starting from scratch trying to get mine working.  I have an existing evaporator in my truck but Ive removed everything else in prep for a fresh rebuild.  If I can get confirmation my existing evaporator threads will fit this kit, I'm going for it.



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I took the two hoses to Tipco to have them remade.  The guy at the shop looked at them and said that only one needed to be remade.  He said the other looked ok.


This is the one remade

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The old one was so rusted the compression fitting was frozen stuck and the metal tube was cracked where the rubber tube connected.


I asked how much he thought it would cost and he estimated $100  :???:   The final total was only $65, but still...


I felt like I went to the doctor - Dr. Ben Dover!

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