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2000 Xj Injector Help!

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I have been reading some write ups on jeep forum and Cherokee forum and they said that it's possible to swap ford 5.0l injectors onto the jeep 4.0l. I was browsing the clearance section at the local summit racing equipment and I came across a bag of 8 remanufactured injectors for the 5.0 for $25. I couldn't pass it up so I grabbed them and tried to swap them in. The plugs aren't even close to being correct. I have no idea what year the injectors are off of they just said 5.0l injectors. I also read that you can swap in mid 90s era stratus injectors but would they work on my 00 XJ? Any help would be appreciated.

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2000 XJ uses EV6 connectors. Those injectors probably have EV1 connectors. Hence, these adapters.



Can you get us the part numbers off the sides of the injectors? That will tell us more about them.

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Thanks for the help everyone! I see that I could also use mid 90s dodge stratus' (from a few other write ups I read) but all the write ups seem to be for the pre 2000-01 4.0l. I also read that the injectors have to be our of a 2.4l engine in order for them to flow right. Would these injectors work with my 00 XJ motor?



Sorry for the stupid questions. Found out the information I needed on NAXJA I need the 784 injectors off 98+ 2.4l motors for my 00. Thanks!

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