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More Mj Wiring Excitement - Wiper Circuit Q?

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so I got a replacement wiring harness from an 88 XJ .... it happened to come with a delay box as well. I had a delay box in the MJ already, but was having issues with the wipers when installed. The wipers would not do the wash swipes with the box in, and the mist function was hit or miss. I would only get Hi wiper function, and one swipe on delay. Changed the box and same thing. If I pull the box I get no wash movement, just fluid sots, but the mist works, and I get hit or miss slo, but still get hi (at same speed as slo). 


So, am I looking at this the wrong way? should I be looking at the wiper switch as the problem, or should I dive into the wiring? Wiper motor is a new replacement from Team Cherokee. I rebuilt my old on so it's good to go as well now. I haven't swapped the XJ harness in yet but that will be a future plan.


Any help?

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It sounds like the multifunction switch inside the column has bad or intermittent contacts. Pretty common. I replaced mine when I installed intermittent wipers - was not fun. You can get them here depending on your steering column type.



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