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Durango Seats In A Comanche.

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I read somewhere that it couldn't be done but they sit low and have great legroom rivaling the factory bench. Even though the don't lean forward they slide forward enough to give access to jack and gear stowed behind seat. They are comfortable as well.

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I'm over 6' and have been around Comanches since their inception and always preferred the bench seat for the added legroom. I'm really liking the headroom and legroom. It's all bolt on with stock Comanche mounts and 1" tubing.

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On my quad cab I've got xj seats up front and 2nd row durango bench in the back. They came from a 2000 durango and the support bars and mounts required alot of fabricating to get them to fit. The width is almost perfect but could be an inch shorter on each side after interior panels are in place. Because of the support bars they sit above the trans tunnel and don't offer much headroom. I'm 6'2 and when I sit in the back my head is close to the roof without the headliner in so with headliner it would probably rub. I tried fitting the matching power durango front seats in but they are way to wide and require alot of modification to the trans tunnel to even get it to remotely sit in place. Then with it even close the back is so wide that it won't fit between the pillars. If you modified the support bars on the 2nd row to allow it to sit lower over the tunnel it would be great as most of them have the center flip down console with cup holders.

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I used the Durango second row seats without the flip down console although it was there according to the guy who prepped the seats. The center console I used is from an xj. The Durango second row seats need to be sectioned as they are one unit until you cut out the factory center console. I'm 6.0" ,and the seat height is right at the max for me personally.

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I have checked out your quad cab. Gonna be the first of many I predict. Would you have left the roof full length if you had it to do over or would it have complicated things? I may have to do one at some point.






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For the roof line after having to patch it to finish it off I would have left it full length. Then i could have used the last few inches of the xj roof where the ribs smooth down to go into the mj's cab roof line. The hardest part was molding a new rear floor pan to fill in the gap. Now that the interior is back in I have to modify the top rails above the doors to finish that off and get the carpet to mold down to the floor pan shape as there's no mold that can be used to make it a direct fit. After all that's done the most difficult part by far is going to be creating the rear doors so the windows roll down the way I want and looks good.

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If you use automotive carpet, you can use a heat gun on the back and it will stretch/ shrink and generally conform.

I just learned a new trick with the Durango seats. The mechanism that limits the forward travel of the seat back is the same one that helps the seat lean upright.  A little work with a dremel and I now have pick-up seats.

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