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Changing Up Interior Color?

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hey guys i have a a 1987 manche and it is that burgundy color


when i got the truck i figured that i ought to just keep it the same and not change anything. but as time went on i learned more and more about the truck and how to fix certain things up........ so eventually i took all of my trim off and i spray painted it either semi gloss or a flat black...........i did all of the little stuff like tail lights with black outlines or whatever, then i bedlined rocker panels and bed........so i pulled my headlinerboard and i ended up using just burgundy fabric not fabric for a headliner(foam backed), then that fekl off in 1 month and long story short i took it out and took old fabric off and then dogsc hewed it up..........so i am ordering a custom headliner board with fabric already on it and a hole cut in it for my sunroof.so i decided instead of having all burgundy that i would put some black in the mix.


so i am going to replace my carpet and change it out for black carpet and get an xj middle console paint it black and relocate my parking brake up to it...


this is my naked roof... excuse the hole in the roof .....the p.o used tar to put it in i think!


so i pulled the carpet backer board and i dyed it black.


i am also going to get a black dash cover to cover a smalll hole in my dash. so give me an opinion how do you think this will look like all said and done guys?


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I like "2 color" theme, mine its going to be tan/black on the interior!

As soon as I finish gonna post sum pics!

Damn i'm in the middle of doing black ,and tan myself!

Get some plasti dip, try it out and if u don't like it, just peel it away ^^

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  • 2 weeks later...

Contact a1500ram, Steve. He makes headliners, does good work and he stands behind it.

Jim if you are talking to me my headliner is in great shape. I will remove it ,and change the color to black in the near future.Oops sorry you were talking to the op.
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Dang that looks good!!! I want to do that to mine!

Thanks ,I got lucky when a friend offered the seats (second row durango from 2002 model)to me for only $75.00 ,and nearly bolt in ready (all I had to do was change the color from charcoal grey to black). Same friend also sold me the console (again just had to fit it ,and paint),as well as a mint shifter boot.
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