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Proper Cleaning Of Electrical Terminals Question

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I'm curious about the proper cleaning of electrical terminals on our MJs. They seem to really gunk up, sludge up, and tar up quite heavily over time. Here in Alaska, a can of electrical parts cleaner costs around 7 bucks, which is far too much to blow through them regularly. So I'm curious if you can use a kerosene pumping parts cleaner to soak/clean out the electricals, then spray off the consequential residue with the electrical parts cleaner. Anyone know if it's safe for the electricals?

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I always use Fantastic cleaner, and for the really tough spots I use a small anount of naphta on a rag. Cruiser54 has a lot of knowledge and perhaps will chime in with a better idea.


Kerosene...dunno but as you say, I'd spray it down really well with electrical parts cleaner after.

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For all of my electrical connections, I wire brush them a little, then use rubbing alchol. This does not harm the electronics and is a great cleaning solution. For hard to get places like the inside posts of relays, I use Q-tips with some alchol on it. After the alchol dries up, I dap some di-electric grease to keep the posts nice and clean from outside elements.

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